The regeneration of Australia’s food and farming systems
3 people holding papers crouching over in a lush green paddock conducting soil health tests.
A wild piece of land covered in tall grasses, bushes and a tree. The sky is blue with wisps of white cloud.
3 people holding papers crouching over in a lush green paddock conducting soil health tests.
A wild piece of land covered in tall grasses, bushes and a tree. The sky is blue with wisps of white cloud.
10 January 2024
10 January 2024

Growing the Impact of Regenerative Agriculture in Tasmania

Regenerative Agriculture Network Tasmania (RANT) is an innovative community group that supports and empowers farmers to produce food and fibre while increasing soil health, biodiversity, profitability and well-being. RANT provides training, demonstrations, research, resources, advocacy, networking and opportunities for collaboration. Significant past work has been in conducting government-funded grazing trials to build evidence and experience in rapidly regenerating landscape function.

Growing the Impact of Regenerative Agriculture in Tasmania Project

October 2023 ($37 000)

RANT is looking to build its capacity to significantly increase successful farmer adoption of regenerative agriculture across Tasmania while ensuring the organisation is constitutionally sound and sustainable in the long term.

Sustainable Table is supporting RANT to refine their model and develop an investment strategy that will enable them to expand their education, training, research and advocacy work and build more resilience in the organisation.

The project’s key objectives are:

  • Build organisational capacity within RANT to amplify past trials, evidence gathering, mentoring, advocacy and education to increase on-farm regenerative outcomes.
  • Increase RANT’s capacity to support farmers to build landscape function, stable businesses and increase their wellbeing.
  • Develop the documents necessary to attract funding to increase the organisation’s sustainability and resilience, and achieve the outcomes of land, business and farmer wellbeing.