The regeneration of Australia’s food and farming systems
A person in overalls planting a lettuce.
A hand picking some olives from a tree.
A person in overalls planting a lettuce.
 A hand picking some olives from a tree.

Let’s Break it Down

About the Fund

Sustainable Table has granted over $1.9 million to 89 projects regenerating food and farming across Australia. Learn more about the projects we've funded below.

We are also piloting new ways of funding and investment that centre the needs of the change makers on the ground. Explore our guide to Regenerating Investment in Food and Farming.

Together, we can take action to transform food and farming for a thriving future. Donate today or get in touch to find out more about partnering with us.

Please note that we are not accepting applications for grants/funding at this time.

Funded Projects

Meet the change makers regenerating food and farming

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A parsley plant growing in soil.
A lettuce growing in soil.

Sustainable Table Fund

How do I get funded?

We are not accepting applications for grants/funding at this time.

Sustainable Table has transitioned to a discretionary model of funding.

We encourage those organisations who would like to be considered to apply to our Regenerative Food and Farming Map. Our team is using this map as a tool to understand the needs of the industry and direct resources accordingly.

Please note that successfully being added to the map does not guarantee funding.

Fund Eligibility

Align With Our Impact
Read more

Sustainable Table's Impact Areas are our way of prioritising change. For your project to qualify for support and funding, it must fulfil one (or more) Impact Area.

Eligibility Criteria
Apply to the Map
  • Your organisation or business needs to have successfully applied and been added to our Regenerative Food and Farming Map. Being a part of the map brings you into the ecosystem, and builds visibility and connection opportunities with industry, partner organisations and funders. Please note that this does not guarantee you will receive funding.
  • Your project needs to highlight how it will achieve systems change rather than ‘band-aid’ solutions.
  • Not-for-profits and charities (DGR status is not mandatory), community groups, collaborations with the private sector, businesses and social enterprises are all welcome to apply, provided they can illustrate high-impact potential.
  • Private businesses are welcome to apply, however must demonstrate how their project creates impact beyond solely private benefit (e.g. the project addresses a critical need, is sector-building or pilots an innovative concept that can be replicated in the industry).
  • Projects must be intended for delivery within Australia.
Ineligible Projects
  • Projects that perpetuate silos, lock up knowledge or are intended solely for private benefit.
  • Projects that are party-political or religious in nature.
  • Endowment funds.
  • Projects that are not located in Australia.
  • Projects that perpetuate racism and harm.
  • Projects that support industrial systems (e.g. fast fashion, ultra-processed foods, synthetic inputs).

We recognise that these areas are important, but currently, we don’t have the resources to support them:

  • Investigative/initial scoping projects (i.e. projects need to be beyond the initial idea stage and have the core relationships and components in place).
  • Predominantly food-relief-focused applications.
  • Individual disaster/climate relief applications.
  • Advocacy campaigns.
